WISOLUTION - Terms of use


This website is subject to the following terms of use, which are binding on the relationship between you (hereinafter: ' User ') and US (hereinafter: 'WISOLUTION ') with the call of this website.

The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal data.

As far as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) are collected on our pages, this is done on the basis of the WISOLUTION data protection conditions.

Intellectual property rights

All contents shown on this website, in particular texts, pictures, photographs, graphic representations, music, trademarks, trade marks, are subject to copyright.

The use, duplication, etc. is subject to the rights of the respective authors or rights managers.


WISOLUTION assumes liability for the contents of its website in accordance with the legal regulations.

A guarantee for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information contained on the website is not taken over.

Content of the website

WISOLUTION has created the contents of this website carefully and according to current knowledge.

WISOLUTION is only responsible for this within the framework of the general laws, in particular for its own content according to § 7 TMG., for third-party content pursuant to § § 8-10 TMG.

As a service provider, WISOLUTION is responsible for third-party content at the earliest after knowledge of a specific infringement.

WISOLUTION reserves the right to change or delete the contents completely or partially, as far as contractual obligations remain unaffected.

Referral to other sites

Contents of external websites, to which WISOLUTION directly or indirectly refers (through ' hyperlinks ' or ' deep '), are outside our area of responsibility and we do not take our own.

At the time of the link setting, no illegal content on the linked websites was recognizable for WISOLUTION.

Since WISOLUTION has no influence on the current and future design of the contents of the linked websites, we dissociate ourselves explicitly from all contents of linked websites, which were changed after the link setting.

For all contents and especially for damages, which arise from the use of the information that is accessible in the linked websites, only the provider of the page to which has been linked is liable.

If WISOLUTION receives information from illegal, unlawful or faulty content on websites that we link to, we will remove the link.

General equality

In the texts, only one sex form is chosen to ensure a better readability.

The information on this website is unaffected by all sexes.

Legal venue

The place of jurisdiction is Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

Irish law is applicable to the exclusion of the UN purchase law.


WISOLUTION reserves the right to modify these terms of use from time to time and to adapt them to the technical and legal developments.